WAKE UP SPIRITUAL WARRIORS!!! As we are small and had small voice in our society, but by UNITING IN PRAYERS we make miracles, we should be more vigilant now more than ever. As the days being prophecized in the book of REVELATION, now is being unfolded before our eyes. But those that are praying very much has nothing to worry about. Pray also for your brothers and sisters that they may be able to feel the urgency to wake up and armed themselves with ardent PRAYERS before our Father God, that we may won the battle over evil through our prayers.
From the message of Mr Ned Dougherty: "My concern is that many observers are either not aware of the existence of the New World Order or that they are still under the illusion that the New World Order does not exist. In these commentaries, I will be naming the individuals, organizations, and institutions that are part of an international cartel of power brokers who are now in their final stages of implementing a new world order and one world government. Collectively, these individuals and entities own and or control global banking, finance, and insurance companies; the global energy resources, particularly the big oil companies; the global health industry, particularly the big pharmaceutical companies; the military and industrial complex that produces ammunition and war machines; the global agricultural industry; the global media conglomerates which include every major TV network in the United States; major newspapers, magazines, and publishing companies; and much more. From behind the scenes, they control the United Nations, and many of the governments of many nations, including most of the nationally elected and appointed officials of the United States. Also in the United States, both the Republican and Democratic parties and all three of the remaining U.S presidential candidates are under their direction and control. "