Thursday, December 27, 2007

Religion and Beliefs

I consecrate this blog to the Emmaculate Heart of Mary and Jesus Christ our saviour. For deepening yours and mine's faith. Our Spiritual needs are needed to be sharpen all the time through constant prayer and studies. Why we need to study? Because we could never go to where we suppose to be if we don't walk one step towards that goal or make a direction. Thats why we have to read and study. Silent lestining is one way to hear God talking to you.

Most of us these days have gotten to have even spare a little time to reflect or say thank you to our God because we made our lives complicated; only centered to materialism and self gratification. If we close our eyes right now and think for a moment the meaning of life, we can't really answer that question. We all have reasons though... a very shallow one. The only reality we know is eat-sleep-marry and die, the end. But if you add GOD in your life its totally different spectrum.

For some people learning about Spiritual life and having religion is hendrance to success. Why is that? Because when you put religion in your life, theirs guidelines, you can't do that, you can't do this. Most atheist people in the world are actually the one you can call "brilliant minds" gifted minds. These people have studied and learned the factual things, things that are provable and visible in the naked eye. IF you can touch it, see it then they will give you a shut. In religion although you can make an arguments to your statement but you can't show them FAITH. Thats where they get confuse. And often they don't waste time for that. I say a hendrance to their success because some people feel that having guidelines and laws are just made up for some people stupid enough to follow. But this brilliant minds are also stupid when it comes to whats is divine, because this requires the eyes arm with faith.

A man without regard to spiritual life are empty people, why I say that, sure I dont know what they really think and feel... Simply because, we can take the absolute truth which is God. Then from there your head are going to spin and blown away, with all the questions racing in your head. Then lets tackle little by little about this questions that are for you and me to learned and reflect, where we know it will be for the good of our Soul.

I am born, baptised and confirmed Catholic. So I believe in God the Father Almight, creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only begotten son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believed in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. This the concrete foundation I stand for. And I am not just going to stand here and do nothing, because I am convinced and living with it, I have to tell others about it, this the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.