Friday, December 28, 2007

The Latest Message of Mother Mary to the World

Message of December 25, 2007"Dear children! With great joy I bring you the King of Peace for Him to bless you with His blessing. Adore Him and give time to the Creator for whom your heart yearns. Do not forget that you are passers-by on this earth and that things can give you small joys, while through my Son, eternal life is given to you. That is why I am with you, to lead you towards what your heart yearns for. Thank you for having responded to my call."

At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:29 pm and lasted 6 minutes. Our Lady gave the following message:
"Dear children! Today, in a special way I call you to become open to God and for each of your hearts today to become a place of Jesus’ birth. Little children, through all this time that God permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you to the joy of your life. Little children, the only true joy of your life is God. Therefore, dear children, do not seek joy in things of this earth but open your hearts and accept God. Little children, everything passes, only God remains in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."

[ If you're interested to read all messages of Mother Mary please go to the apparition of the Mother Mary to 6 children, Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Ivan Ivankovic and Milka Pavlovic started one morning in June 24,1981. Bosnia-Herzegovina. The apparition still going on up to this day, its been 26 years and 6 months to today. This is the longest apparition ever happen in the world. All that Mother Mary repeatedly ask of us is our CONVERSIONS. And from our conversions our family should follow and the rest of the world. This is the time of Great Mercy, a time of grace, I will say our last chance before the GREAT SIGN appeared in Hills of Medjugorje and Garabandal, Spain. . Everyday apparition is happening. Here in the United States, there are few people who are recieving messages too. Some people who have visited Medjugorje have apparition from Mother Mary and Jesus. If you scan the internet on recent apparition you will be surprise that there are so many, we don't know nothing about. So keep your eyes open and be vigilant. And don't just keep it to yourself what you know, share them to others also. Gather your family in prayer always. Also pray for the conversions of other people. Especially the sinners. Mother Mary asked us to pray the Holy Rosary everyday, she said through the rosary we can change the future.]
*Above photos is from Medjugorje Today.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

St. Michael Archangel's message to us.

"Your forefathers created one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all. These were men of high ideals, spiritually guided and inspired to create a nation and a civilization to be admired and respected, to set an example for the rest of the world. In exercising their free will under God's guidance and direction, they created a Constitution and a Bill of Rights for every man, woman, and child to live in freedom in the pursuit of happiness. Yet, these high minded and spiritual men were soon replaced by others who, in the exercise of their free will, chose to put their egos before God and to joust with God's plan.
You became a nation of spoilers, man against man, brother against brother, government against citizens, and the chosen nation became a warrior with and against other nations. You have become a nation of criminals and murderers. You murder in wars. You murder the innocent. You murder your children.
Your leaders create laws to justify the murders, to attempt to make wrongs right, to rewrite morals and ethics to support your own earthbound greeds and desires.You have become a nation further and further from the spirit and the influence of God. You have created sciences and philosophies to support activities that only recognize earthbound realities, that not only refuse to recognize the spiritual nature of man himself, but refuse to recognize even the existence of God!
You have taken God and his works of prayer and meditation out of your government, out of your institutions, out of your schools. You have done everything you can to deny his existence, and you find yourself in a world filled with wars, hatred, starvation, and death, and you do not understand why the rest of the world does not follow your shining example.You are a nation at war with itself, filled with hatred, prejudice, crime, drugs, and murder. Yet, when the few of you who do look to God asking him why all these things are allowed to happen, you do not hear His answer!
You are members of the human race, universally created by God and given individually a free will by divine right, and you would not wish to have it any other way. Yet every little act of free will that man has exercised from the beginning of time, that was not in accordance with God's plan, multiplied in its impact and its negativity on the future of man. Every simple act of aggression multiplied into acts of world war. Every simple act of greed multiplied into worldwide human suffering and starvation.
Every act of destruction of God's environment on Earth multiplied into destructive forces of nature, earthquakes, floods, pestilence, nuclear destruction and nuclear waste. Every act of violence escalated into acts of murder and the extermination of ethnic people for their appearance or beliefs!Yet, God created a nation of high ideals for you to survive other empires and civilizations that crumbled into oblivion for their leaders placed themselves as men above God, and now those empires and civilizations are but piles of dust or buried under the waters.
You sit on the edge of the new millennium, poised for the future of mankind, and you are headed, as all great civilizations of the past, to be reduced to piles of dust, to be covered over by the waters!Yet, God comes to you again, to appeal to you as a people, to appeal to you as a nation, to appeal to your leaders! His army of angels is visiting upon you with a life force of energy, a spiritual energy radiated by the Creator to all mankind.
Many of you feel the vibrancy of his energy and his divine presence. He is communicating with you spiritually to raise yourself to a level of spiritual transformation that is necessary for those of you who hear him to spread his message and his energy, to recognize that he is coming! Guided by prayer and meditation, all men, women, and children may answer His call, but it must be soon.
Time is running out!
The angels are coming!
Do you hear them?
Are you listening?
Are you listening?

The messages of Jesus in our time.

Dear reader this is just one of many messages of Jesus. Most of the apparitions that is happening today are not yet approved by Catholic church because the apparitions is not done yet. These are the end times, it might take another 5 decades but it doesn't matter. We need to listen, afterall this is for our sake. This is the latest message of Jesus, the rest can be read on the site below this sigment.

December 1, 2007 – Eve of Advent - 3:33pmThe Rock, Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Eastport, NY
Message from Jesus The Redeemer:

My son,
I come to you today as Jesus The Redeemer of mankind. You are now entering the season of Advent and the beginning of a joyous period for mankind. Since the preparation for my birth here on Earth 2000 years ago, every year has become a celebration of the Feast of the Child of God who has been sent to you to change the future of mankind for the better.
There have been periods of time since my birth when humanity has shown great reverence for my birth and my life’s mission here on Earth, and there have been other times when my mission among you has been cast under a cloud of darkness by misbelievers and doubters of the word of God.
Now you are living in the times that have been prophesized to you; the times that great doubt would be cast, not only on my very mission among you, but also on my actual existence. Truly now, you must recognize in your times currently that secular influences have taken over the control of the Advent Season, turning this wonderful time of year from a spiritual journey of growth for you into a secular materialistic pursuit of the false riches that this world has to offer.
The masters of the universe, as they refer to themselves, have taken control of the means of communication to control the way you are led to think; the way you are motivated to spend your money; and even how you should think of yourselves, as secular entities, devoid of a human spirit or the promise of an eternal afterlife.
Look around you today at your brothers and sisters. Are they honoring me as you begin this Advent Season by spending time in prayer and meditation, or are they rushing to the shopping malls to spend more than they can afford? Are you thinking of me and my mission among you that is again to take place with my birth, or are you now part of the problem that has focused on my mission as being irrelevant in your material world?
What are you planning to do on the eve of this Advent Season to recognize me as the Redeemer of the world? Will you find yourself in prayer and reflect upon the miracle of my birth 2000 years ago? Will you recognize the roles of my blessed Mother Mary and of my earthly Father Joseph and recognize the sacrifices that they have made to bring me into the world to save all of you from your own destruction?
Or will you be joining the others who have lost their faith; who have turned themselves away from the doors to My Church; who have chosen to give up their faith and to pursue a secular lifestyle of materialism and greed, devoid of even recognition of me as the Son of God?
Do not spend this Advent Season hoping that the world will become a better place for you because of the money that you spend or because of the earthly comforts that you acquire for yourselves.
Remember that this secular world in which you live is temporary and will end for all of you in the designated time for each and every one of you. None of the earthly things that are so alluring to you now will have any benefit to you when the time comes for you to meet your Maker.
So spend this Advent Season not on material possessions that you will acquire for yourself and others, but in prayer and sacrifice, in meditation and contemplation, and in reflection upon the mysteries of the birth of the Saviour of humanity, for these are the important activities that will earn you great rewards when your time has come.
I am aware that many of you are concerned about the messages that you have received from me or through my Mother Mary, or through the voices from Heaven who have influenced those among you who are so called to hear these messages.
Your concerns should not be about what may or may not happen in this world because this
world will go through dramatic changes in the not too distant future.
The changes that you need to concern yourself with are the changes that must necessarily take place inside each and every one of you. I speak of the changes that will prepare you for the times to come, for you will need great courage and fortitude to face the future and what the future portends for you, not only individually, but for the planet as well.
You see, the changes that need to take place within you are necessary for you to obtain the kingdom of God and to also face the future without fear of events that are yet to come.
If you follow me and if you turn the care of your soul over to me, I promise that your struggle in this world will be lightened, and you will be freed from the heavy load that you are now carrying.
Those of you who have been following me are already being rewarded with a sense of peace and serenity, and calmness within you that you never expected to achieve here on Earth. The difference for those of you who are experiencing this inner calmness and those of you who are still filled with anxiety is that the inner calmness comes from surrendering to the Divine Will of God the Father in Heaven through your journey with me as the Son and Redeemer.

If you choose to follow me, you can obtain the inner calmness that God the Father has always ordained for all brothers and sisters here on Earth. It is only through your own individual efforts to move away from God that the turmoil has been created, not only in the individual soul, but also throughout the whole world.
There is an original order to all of creation that is still available to those of you who turn yourselves over to me, in body and soul, in order to achieve the oneness with God that should be the goal of all God’s creatures.

Follow this path to me and clear your mind of all the junk of the material world and you shall be saved. Follow the path to me and free yourself of all the guilt and anxiety of choosing the secular and materialistic world that only provides you with fleeting satisfaction that elusively disappears in a matter of time.

I must emphasize to you the importance of recognizing that your journey here on Earth is ever so brief and the journey with me in the heavenly realms is for all eternity.
So you must decide now; do I want to spend my time pursuing the fleeting and secular world of materialism and greed or do I want to please my Lord and Saviour and focus my attention on the Redeemer of the world?
The decision is yours to make. Will you deny me in these times? Then you will deny me forever. How will you plan to spend your eternity under your own terms?
I come to you today as Jesus The Redeemer.
End 4:17pm
[ In the new testament we are reminded to know the "real tree from its fruit", I copy and paste this messages because I believe without reservation this is the time we must listen, it is not mine to criticise what is being given to me, but MUCH is being required of me to HELP others to re-discover their lost faith in GOD, all of us has the mission to evangelize the Word of God especialy today so this is it. The purpose of all this messages you are seing now is for our SALVATION, and nothing else. this is not to scare people, but when you are invited to a wedding fiest, you are to prepare yourself and wear your best clothes and gown, and you will not going to say no to "someone" you know who invites you, especially that "someone" is Jesus Himself who died for you so you will share the everlasting Life God wants us to share with Him in Heaven.] It is you and I's mission to let every Soul know about His Divine Mercy so you will not be hold accountable for not take care of your brothers and sisters salvation.

The Second Coming of Jesus

Why would Christ emphasize in our time a doctrine, the Divine Mercy, which has been part of the patrimony of the Faith from the beginning, as well as request new devotional and liturgical expressions of it? In His revelations to St. Faustina Jesus answers this question, connecting it to another doctrine, also sometimes little emphasized, that of His Second Coming.
In the Gospel the Lord shows us that His first coming was in humility, as a Servant, to free the world from sin. Yet, He promises to return in glory to judge the world on love, as He makes clear in his discourses on the Kingdom in Matthew chapters 13 and 25. In between these Comings we have the end times or era of the Church, in which the Church ministers reconciliation to the world until the great and terrible Day of the Lord, the Day of Justice.
Every Catholic should be familiar with the teaching of the Church on this matter, contained in paragraphs 668 to 679 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Only in the context of public revelation as taught by the Magisterium can we situate the words of private revelation given to Sr. Faustina.
You will prepare the world for My final coming. (Diary 429)
Speak to the world about My mercy ... It is a sign for the end times. After it will come the Day of Justice. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fountain of My mercy. (Diary 848)
Tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near.
(Diary 965).
I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of sinners. But woe to them if they do not recognize this time of My visitation. (Diary 1160)
Before the Day of Justice, I am sending the Day of Mercy. (Diary 1588)
He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice.
(Diary 1146).
In addition to these words of Our Lord Sr. Faustina gives us the Words of the Mother of Mercy, the Blessed Virgin,

You have to speak to the world about His great mercy and prepare the world for the Second Coming of Him who will come, not as a merciful Savior, but as a just Judge. Oh how terrible is that day! Determined is the day of justice, the day of divine wrath. The angels tremble before it. Speak to souls about this great mercy while it is still the time for granting mercy. (Diary 635).
It is clear that, like the message of Fátima, the urgency here is the urgency of the Gospel, "repent and believe." The exact timing is the Lord's. However, it is also clear that we have reached some critical phase of the end times that began with the birth of the Church.

To this fact Pope John Paul II alluded at the consecration in 1981 of the Shrine of Merciful Love in Collevalenaza, Italy, when he noted the "special task" assigned to him by God "in the present situation of man, the Church and the world." In His Encyclical on the Father he urges us "to implore God's mercy for humanity in this hour of history ... to beg for it at this difficult, critical phase of the history of the Church and of the world as we approach the end of the second millennium." (Rich in Mercy 15)

Diary, Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul (c) 1987 Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, MA 01263. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

THE Divine Mercy

The message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercyis based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording therevelations she received about God’s mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to The Divine Mercy had begun to spread.

The message of mercy is that God loves us — all of us —no matter how great our sins. He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call uponHim with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us toothers. Thus, all will come to share His joy. It is a message we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC.
During the course of Jesus' revelations to Saint Faustina on the Divine Mercy He asked on numerous occasions that a feast day be dedicated to the Divine Mercy and that this feast be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. The liturgical texts of that day, the 2nd Sunday of Easter, concern the institution of the Sacrament of Penance, the Tribunal of the Divine Mercy, and are thus already suited to the request of Our Lord. This Feast, which had already been granted to the nation of Poland and been celebrated within Vatican City, was granted to the Universal Church by Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the canonization of Sr. Faustina on 30 April 2000. In a decree dated 23 May 2000, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments stated that "throughout the world the Second Sunday of Easter will receive the name Divine Mercy Sunday, a perennial invitation to the Christian world to face, with confidence in divine benevolence, the difficulties and trials that mankind will experience in the years to come." These papal acts represent the highest endorsement that the Church can give to a private revelation, an act of papal infallibility proclaiming the certain sanctity of the mystic, and the granting of a universal feast, as requested by Our Lord to St. Faustina.
Concerning the Feast of Mercy Jesus said:
Whoever approaches the Fountain of Life on this day will be granted complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. (Diary 300)
I want the image solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it. (Diary 341)
This Feast emerged from the very depths of My mercy, and it is confirmed in the vast depths of my tender mercies. (Diary 420)
On one occasion, I heard these words: My daughter, tell the whole world about My Inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.* [our emphasis] On that day all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will I contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy. (Diary 699)
Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but there must also be deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to our neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to absolve yourself from it. (Diary 742)
I want to grant complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My mercy. (Diary 1109)
As you can see the Lord's desire for the Feast includes the solemn, public veneration of the Image of Divine Mercy by the Church, as well as personal acts of veneration and mercy.
The great promise for the individual soul is that a devotional act of sacramental penance and Communion will obtain for that soul the plenitude of the divine mercy on the Feast.
The Cardinal of Krakow, Cardinal Macharski, whose diocese is the center of the spread of the devotion and the sponsor of the Cause of Sr. Faustina, has written that we should use Lent as preparation for the Feast and confess even before Holy Week! So, it is clear that the confessional requirement does not have to be met on the Feast itself. That would be an impossible burden for the clergy if it did. The Communion requirement is easily met that day, however, since it is a day of obligation, being Sunday. We would only need confession again, if received earlier in Lenten or Easter Season, if we were in the state of mortal sin on the Feast.

Diary, Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul (c) 1987 Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, MA 01263. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

The Holy Rosary & History from St. Dominic

Since the Rosary is composed, principally and in substance, of the prayer of Christ and the Angelic Salutation, that is, the Our Father and the Hail Mary, it was without doubt the first prayer and the principal devotion of the faithful and has been in use all through the centuries, from the time of the apostles and disciples down to the present. It was only in the year 1214, however, that the Church received the Rosary in its present form and according to the method we use today. It was given to the Church by St. Dominic, who had received it from the Blessed Virgin as a means of converting the Albigensians and other sinners. I will tell you the story of how he received it, which is found in the very well-known book De Dignitate Psalterii, by Blessed Alan de la Roche. Saint Dominic, seeing that the gravity of people's sins was hindering the conversion of the Albigensians, withdrew into a forest near Toulouse, where he prayed continuously for three days and three nights. During this time he did nothing but weep and do harsh penances in order to appease the anger of God. He used his discipline so much that his body was lacerated, and finally he fell into a coma. At this point our Lady appeared to him, accompanied by three angels, and she said, "Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world?" "Oh, my Lady," answered Saint Dominic, "you know far better than I do, because next to your Son Jesus Christ you have always been the chief instrument of our salvation." Then our Lady replied, "I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the principal weapon has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the foundation-stone of the New Testament. Therefore, if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Psalter." So he arose, comforted, and burning with zeal for the conversion of the people in that district, he made straight for the cathedral. At once unseen angels rang the bells to gather the people together, and Saint Dominic began to preach.
At the very beginning of his sermon, an appalling storm broke out, the earth shook, the sun was darkened, and there was so much thunder and lightning that all were very much afraid. Even greater was their fear when, looking at a picture of our Lady exposed in a prominent place, they saw her raise her arms to heaven three times to call down God's vengeance upon them if they failed to be converted, to amend their lives, and seek the protection of the holy Mother of God. God wished, by means of these supernatural phenomena, to spread the new devotion of the holy Rosary and to make it more widely known. At last, at the prayer of Saint Dominic, the storm came to an end, and he went on preaching. So fervently and compellingly did he explain the importance and value of the Rosary that almost all the people of Toulouse embraced it and renounced their false beliefs. In a very short time a great improvement was seen in the town; people began leading Christian lives and gave up their former bad habits.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, instructed by the Blessed Virgin as well as by his own experience, Saint Dominic preached the Rosary for the rest of his life. He preached it by his example as well as by his sermons, in cities and in country places, to people of high station and low, before scholars and the uneducated, to Catholics and to heretics. The Rosary, which he said every day, was his preparation for every sermon and his little tryst with our Lady immediately after preaching. One day he had to preach at Notre Dame in Paris, and it happened to be the feast of St. John the Evangelist. He was in a little chapel behind the high altar prayerfully preparing his sermon by saying the Rosary, as he always did, when our Lady appeared to him and said: "Dominic, even though what you have planned to say may be very good, I am bringing you a much better sermon." Saint Dominic took in his hands the book our Lady proffered, read the sermon carefully and, when he had understood it and meditated on it, he gave thanks to her. When the time came, he went up into the pulpit and, in spite of the feast day, made no mention of Saint John other than to say that he had been found worthy to be the guardian of the Queen of Heaven. The congregation was made up of theologians and other eminent people, who were used to hearing unusual and polished discourses; but Saint Dominic told them that it was not his desire to give them a learned discourse, wise in the eyes of the world, but that he would speak in the simplicity of the Holy Spirit and with his forcefulness. So he began preaching the Rosary and explained the Hail Mary word by word as he would to a group of children, and used the very simple illustrations which were in the book given him by our Lady.
Blessed Alan, according to Carthagena, mentioned several other occasions when our Lord and our Lady appeared to Saint Dominic to urge him and inspire him to preach the Rosary more and more in order to wipe out sin and convert sinners and heretics. In another passage Carthagena says, "Blessed Alan said our Lady revealed to him that, after she had appeared to Saint Dominic, her blessed Son appeared to him and said, 'Dominic, I rejoice to see that you are not relying on your own wisdom and that, rather than seek the empty praise of men, you are working with great humility for the salvation of souls. "'But many priests want to preach thunderously against the worst kinds of sin at the very outset, failing to realize that before a sick person is given bitter medicine, he needs to be prepared by being put into the right frame of mind to really benefit by it. "'That is why, before doing anything else, priests should try to kindle a love of prayer in people's hearts and especially a love of my Angelic Psalter. If only they would all start saying it and would really persevere, God in his mercy could hardly refuse to give them his grace. So I want you to preach my Rosary."'
All things, even the holiest, are subject to change, especially when they are dependent on man's free will. It is hardly to be wondered at, then, that the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary only retained its first fervour for a century after it was instituted by Saint Dominic. After this it was like a thing buried and forgotten. Doubtless, too, the wicked scheming and jealousy of the devil were largely responsible for getting people to neglect the Rosary, and thus block the flow of God's grace which it had drawn upon the world. Thus, in 1349 God punished the whole of Europe with the most terrible plague that had ever been known. Starting in the east, it spread throughout Italy, Germany, France, Poland and Hungary, bringing desolation wherever it went, for out of a hundred men hardly one lived to tell the tale. Big cities, towns, villages and monasteries were almost completely deserted during the three years that the epidemic lasted. This scourge of God was quickly followed by two others, the heresy of the Flagellants and a tragic schism in 1376. Later on, when these trials were over, thanks to the mercy of God, our Lady told Blessed Alan to revive the former Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. Blessed Alan was one of the Dominican Fathers at the monastery at Dinan, in Brittany. He was an eminent theologian and a famous preacher. Our Lady chose him because, since the Confraternity had originally been started in that province, it was fitting that a Dominican from the same province should have the honour of re-establishing it. Blessed Alan began this great work in 1460, after a special warning from our Lord. This is how he received that urgent message, as he himself tells it:
One day when he was offering Mass, our Lord, who wished to spur him on to preach the holy Rosary, spoke to him in the Sacred Host. "How can you crucify me again so soon?" Jesus said. "What did you say, Lord?" asked Blessed Alan, horrified. "You crucified me once before by your sins," answered Jesus, "and I would willingly be crucified again rather than have my Father offended by the sins you used to commit. You are crucifying me again now because you have all the learning and understanding that you need to preach my Mother's Rosary, and you are not doing it. If you only did that, you could teach many souls the right path and lead them away from sin. But you are not doing it, and so you yourself are guilty of the sins that they commit." This terrible reproach made Blessed Alan solemnly resolve to preach the Rosary unceasingly. Our Lady also said to him one day to inspire him to preach the Rosary more and more, "You were a great sinner in your youth, but I obtained the grace of your conversion from my Son. Had such a thing been possible, I would have liked to have gone through all kinds of suffering to save you, because converted sinners are a glory to me. And I would have done that also to make you worthy of preaching my Rosary far and wide." Saint Dominic appeared to Blessed Alan as well and told him of the great results of his ministry: he had preached the Rosary unceasingly, his sermons had borne great fruit and many people had been converted during his missions. He said to Blessed Alan, "See what wonderful results I have had through preaching the Rosary. You and all who love our Lady ought to do the same so that, by means of this holy practice of the Rosary, you may draw all people to the real science of the virtues." Briefly, then, this is the history of how Saint Dominic established the holy Rosary and of how Blessed Alan de la Roche restored it.
From the time Saint Dominic established the devotion to the holy Rosary up to the time when Blessed Alan de la Roche reestablished it in 1460, it has always been called the Psalter of Jesus and Mary. This is because it has the same number of Hail Marys as there are psalms in the Book of the Psalms of David. Since simple and uneducated people are not able to say the Psalms of David, the Rosary is held to be just as fruitful for them as David's Psalter is for others.

Ever since Blessed Alan de la Roche re-established this devotion, the voice of the people, which is the voice of God, gave it the name of the Rosary, which means "crown of roses." That is to say that every time people say the Rosary devoutly they place on the heads of Jesus and Mary 153 white roses and sixteen red roses. Being heavenly flowers, these roses will never fade or lose their beauty. Our Lady has approved and confirmed this name of the Rosary; she has revealed to several people that each time they say a Hail Mary they are giving her a beautiful rose, and that each complete Rosary makes her a crown of roses. So the complete Rosary is a large crown of roses and each chaplet of five decades is a little wreath of flowers or a little crown of heavenly roses which we place on the heads of Jesus and Mary. The rose is the queen of flowers, and so the Rosary is the rose of devotions and the most important one .


Why we believe in the communion with the Saints?
Catholic Doctrine:
[The communion of saints is the spiritual solidarity which binds together the faithful on earth, the souls in purgatory, and the saints in heaven in the organic unity of the same mystical body under Christ its head, and in a constant interchange of supernatural offices. The participants in that solidarity are called saints by reason of their destination and of their partaking of the fruits of the Redemption (1 Corinthians 1:2 &151; Greek Text). The damned are thus excluded from the communion of saints. The living, even if they do not belong to the body of the true Church, share in it according to the measure of their union with Christ and with the soul of the Church. St. Thomas teaches (III:8:4) that the angels, though not redeemed, enter the communion of saints because they come under Christ's power and receive of His gratia capitis. The solidarity itself implies a variety of inter-relations: within the Church Militant, not only the participation in the same faith, sacraments, and government, but also a mutual exchange of examples, prayers, merits, and satisfactions; between the Church on earth on the one hand, and purgatory and heaven on the other, suffrages, invocation, intercession, veneration. These connotations belong here only in so far as they integrate the transcendent idea of spiritual solidarity between all the children of God. Thus understood, the communion of saints, though formally defined only in its particular bearings (Council of Trent, Sess. XXV, decrees on purgatory; on the invocation, veneration, and relics of saints and of sacred images; on indulgences), is, nevertheless, dogma commonly taught and accepted in the Church. It is true that the Catechism of the Council of Trent (Pt. I, ch. x) seems at first sight to limit to the living the bearing of the phrase contained in the Creed, but by making the communion of saints an exponent and function, as it were, of the preceding clause, "the Holy Catholic Church", it really extends to what it calls the Church's "constituent parts, one gone before, the other following every day"; the broad principle it enunciates thus: "every pious and holy action done by one belongs and is profitable to all, through charity which seeketh not her own". ] c. from: J.F. Sollier. Transcribed by William G. Bilton, Ph.D.. In memory of Sister Ignatia, OSH
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IV. Published 1908. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York

From the plain and simple word we became one with faith for those that died horroble death because of this FAITH. As believer of this faith we are united with them.

Jesus reminds us to live in holy life, how? we say we can't because we are only human... but we dont need to be perfect but atleast we can emmitate the life of the Saints. Is that make sense to you? The words of Jesus "If you love me, you carry your cross and follow me" do you know that the life of the Saints was actually the true action of faith...? this is what it means to follow Christ. A complete surrender of ones self to the Will of God. Even if it would cost their lives. So Catholic ask the Saints for intercessions, to help them go through difficulties, or asking them to pray for them, because they are already infront of God, and nothing they would request for the good of your Soul will not be granteed by the Jesus.

I will tell you about "a dreams" connected to this facts; My friend Erma had dream about Jesus and St. Jude, Erma was doing a Novena to St. Jude for 40 days. After the novena she dreamed that she was infront of Jesus and Jesus called St. Jude, "Jude come, do you know Erma is here?", St. Jude came and Jesus told St. Jude I have authorized you to grant favors to people so they will be a witness to others that others may come to believe me."

Blessed Mother Mary and practice devotion to her

Who is Mary? we say plainly: the mother of Jesus Christ.
VIRGIN MARY - the second Eve, but far better than the first Gods masterpiece because, unlike Eve, Mother Mary was never sinned.

[We have God, the Father – God the Son, Jesus Christ – and God, the Holy Spirit – so why acknowledge or petition Mary for her intercession? We adore the Blessed Trinity – not Mary – so why do Catholics honor her in special ways, and why have a devotion to her?
It is in the plan of God that we practice devotions to Our Lady, since She is our strongest advocate before Him. Mary was conceived without sin and remained without sin throughout her life. “The Immaculate Conception” is a declared doctrine of the Church and confirmed by Mary, herself, in some of her apparitions. This makes her prayers, her intercessions, so very powerful.
Mary is the perfectly ‘holy’ daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and the spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is the ‘second’ Eve, the perfect Eve, mother of all the living – Gen. 3:20. GOD’s first message to Mary, through the Angel, Gabriel, was, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women … (Luke 1:28). She is the Blessed Virgin Mother of God. Mary is the perfect disciple. We can learn a lot from her example and through her words from her messages. She is the school of faith.

Jesus listened to His mother and always honored her. They loved and cared for each other throughout their entire life. And when Jesus died, He gave His Mother, Mary, to us, as He gave her to His disciple, John, at the foot of the Cross (Jn.19:27).Because Mary was always without sin, she conceived her Son by the power of the Holy Spirit and bore the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Later, after her death, she was assumed into Heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit. She is Queen of Heaven and Queen of Earth. She played a major role in the first coming of Christ, the first Advent. And, she is now a significant forerunner to the second coming of Christ, the last Advent. There have been, and are, more appearances of Mary, through apparitions, within the last 100 years than during any other century on Earth! She has messages for us, and she wants us to listen.] source:

Catholic Church The True Church

Lets begin getting some of this issue and facts of Catholic church the church I believe in. "Speaking of full membership in the Church, Pius XII, in his Encyclical on the Mystical Body, said it is the society of those who have been baptized, and who profess the faith of Christ, and who are governed by their bishops under the visible head, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome."

The Church came into being when Christ died on the Cross, but it was formally inaugurated on Pentecost, when He sent the Holy Spirit as He had promised. St. Paul speaks of all Christians as members of Christ, so that with Him, they form one Mystical Body (Cf. 1 Cor 12:12-31; Col 1:18; 2:18-20; Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19; 4:13). St. Paul did not use the word Mystical. It was developed more recently to bring out the fact that this union is unique, there is no parallel to it. It is not the same as the union of a physical body, nor that of a business corporation.

The Church, the Mystical Body, exists on this earth, and is called the Church militant [us], because its members struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil.
*The following words of Pope Paul VI can serve as a short synthesis of the will of Christ for the constitution and makeup of his Church:
['Christ promised and sent two elements to constitute his work, to extend in time and over all the world the kingdom founded by Him and to make of redeemed mankind his Church, his mystical body, in expectation of His second and triumphal return at the end of the world. These elements are the apostolic college and the Spirit. The apostolic college works externally and objectively. It forms, one might say, the material body of the Church and gives her a visible and social structure. The Spirit works internally, within each person and within the community as a whole animating, vivifying and sanctifying. These two agents, namely the apostolic college whose successor is the sacred hierarchy, and the spirit of Christ, which makes the Church Christ's ordinary instrument in the ministry of the word and the sacraments, work together. On Pentecost morning they are seen in a marvelous harmony at the beginning of Christ's great work.'[6]
For the remainder of this article we will be concerned with the first of these two elements. ] c.ewtn

By the Magisterium , we mean the teaching office of the Church. It consists of the Pope and Bishops. Christ promised to protect the teaching of the Church : "He who hears you, hears me; he who rejects your rejects me, he who rejects me, rejects Him who sent me" (Luke 10. 16).

The Creed which we recite on Sundays and holy days speaks of one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. As everybody knows, however, the Church referred to in this Creed is more commonly called just the Catholic Church. It is not, by the way, properly called the Roman Catholic Church, but simply the Catholic Church.
So the proper name for the universal Church is not the Roman Catholic Church. but we say this in the Philippines " Roman Catholic church" Far from it. That term caught on mostly in English-speaking countries; it was promoted mostly by Anglicans, supporters of the "branch theory" of the Church, namely, that the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of the creed was supposed to consist of three major branches, the Anglican, the Orthodox and the so-called Roman Catholic. It was to avoid that kind of interpretation that the English-speaking bishops at Vatican I succeeded in warning the Church away from ever using the term officially herself: It too easily could be misunderstood.

From the fact that the Church is God's means of giving grace, is it is clear that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. This is mean fact if you are outside Catholic, but even in our basic understanding about the true church one can only go back to the unchanging community originally instituted by Christ himself. And who had the succession from the first Pope, from Peter down to the present Pope unbroken line of successors. The question is who built your church?

Religion and Beliefs

I consecrate this blog to the Emmaculate Heart of Mary and Jesus Christ our saviour. For deepening yours and mine's faith. Our Spiritual needs are needed to be sharpen all the time through constant prayer and studies. Why we need to study? Because we could never go to where we suppose to be if we don't walk one step towards that goal or make a direction. Thats why we have to read and study. Silent lestining is one way to hear God talking to you.

Most of us these days have gotten to have even spare a little time to reflect or say thank you to our God because we made our lives complicated; only centered to materialism and self gratification. If we close our eyes right now and think for a moment the meaning of life, we can't really answer that question. We all have reasons though... a very shallow one. The only reality we know is eat-sleep-marry and die, the end. But if you add GOD in your life its totally different spectrum.

For some people learning about Spiritual life and having religion is hendrance to success. Why is that? Because when you put religion in your life, theirs guidelines, you can't do that, you can't do this. Most atheist people in the world are actually the one you can call "brilliant minds" gifted minds. These people have studied and learned the factual things, things that are provable and visible in the naked eye. IF you can touch it, see it then they will give you a shut. In religion although you can make an arguments to your statement but you can't show them FAITH. Thats where they get confuse. And often they don't waste time for that. I say a hendrance to their success because some people feel that having guidelines and laws are just made up for some people stupid enough to follow. But this brilliant minds are also stupid when it comes to whats is divine, because this requires the eyes arm with faith.

A man without regard to spiritual life are empty people, why I say that, sure I dont know what they really think and feel... Simply because, we can take the absolute truth which is God. Then from there your head are going to spin and blown away, with all the questions racing in your head. Then lets tackle little by little about this questions that are for you and me to learned and reflect, where we know it will be for the good of our Soul.

I am born, baptised and confirmed Catholic. So I believe in God the Father Almight, creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only begotten son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believed in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. This the concrete foundation I stand for. And I am not just going to stand here and do nothing, because I am convinced and living with it, I have to tell others about it, this the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.